Holistic Healing Services
Professor Carl Totton is uniquely qualified to offer services in energy work and personal growth. He has over 50 years of experience in traditional and contemporary methods of health promotion and mind-body-spirit work. This includes many years using some of the most powerful tools ever discovered.
CEBAR: Core Energy Balancing And Reiki
Cultivates natural healing through the promotion of deep relaxation, energy rebuilding and balancing, and profound stress relief. These methods may be applied as alternative and complementary methods to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. Includes the traditional practices of Reiki and qigong energy work combined with Hawaiian Ho’oponopono and shamanic healing from the Healing the Light Body School of energetic medicine, and other ancient and contemporary methods for whole person transformation and spiritual growth. All healing takes place after a sacred space has been created and may feature:
- Reiki energy rebalancing, traditional and contemporary Reiki as practiced by Mikao Usui and ancient Chinese Taoist qigong energy work.
- Ho’oponopono, a method of spiritual and karmic cleaning and purification from Hawaii. This powerful healing occurs before, during, and after your appointment both in person and through distant healing methods.
- Matrix Energetics, a profound way to collapse current rigid patterns and transform them into new healthier ways of living and being.
- The Illumination Process (Healing the Light Body) is derived from the ancient shamanic energetic healing practices of the medicine men and women of Peru. Energetic imbalances will be tracked, chakra reversals healed, and the luminous energy field which surrounds every human body will be illuminated with pure energy to transform any limiting physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual imprints from the past.
- NOTE: All of the above methods can be applied to Distant Healing sessions anywhere in the world. Since energy and consciousness are non local beyond the bounds of time and space, the healing may be applied beyond those boundaries as well.

Professional Services
Offered by appointment in our beautiful new Meditation and Healing Sanctuary
Address: 10630 Burbank Ave. North Hollywood, California 91601
Phone: (818) 760-4219
Business Hours: 10a–3p S, 6p–9:30p M, 7p-10:30p T
Quantum Psychotherapy and Counseling
Using innovative methods for promoting personal growth and eliminating dysfunctional patterns of living, Quantum Therapy aims to allow clients to use consciousness as a means to discover their true life path and experience their existence as real and meaningful. All are biopsychosocial in orientation and feature aspects which are dynamic, experiential, solution focused, narrative, cognitive-behavioral and strategic. The emphasis is on transforming how you think, feel, behave, and relate with yourself and others. Most are brief, relatively short-term approaches, and periodic “psychological tune-ups” are encouraged for everyone, not just my regular clients. Please feel free to schedule one soon! By appointment for adults, adolescents, and children.
Some of the methods utilized to transform consciousness include the following:
Transpersonal psychology approaches that engage the mind, body, and spirit with an experiential focus.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy to transform limiting ways of perceiving and responding in daily life. Helpful for inducing profound levels of relaxation and stress relief. May include current, past, and future life exploration.
Thought Field Therapy (TFT), an innovative process of energy psychology and emotional acupressure where clients gently tap acupuncture points while holding an issue in their thought field to dissolve emotionally charged perceptions and reactions.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a rapid form of information reprocessing at the neuropsychological level. May include a variant known as Core Focused EMDR for rapid and deep personal transformation.
Symbol Linking Therapy (SLT) is an intensive process of correcting distorted semantic responses and ways of thinking and realigning them with ones original energetic blueprint.
Therapy for Therapists: Healing the Wounded Healer Are you a therapist responsible for helping others but carrying your own deep emotional or spiritual wounds? Come in for an absolutely confidential consultation and healing appointment to transform your inner wounding to a new source of power for you and your clients.
Methods Used
Some of the methods Dr. Totton has researched and directly experienced include the following methodologies:
- Qigong: the traditional Chinese art and science of internal energy cultivation for health improvement, inner balance, and meditation.
- Reiki: the traditional Japanese system for promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well being originally discovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900’s. Uses spiritual energy to promote natural healing.
- Ho’oponopono: the traditional and updated Hawaiian method for restoring balance through Divine correction. Updated by Kahuna Mornnah Simeona and taught by Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.
- Flower of Life, Earth-Sky-Heart: a contemporary synthesis of ancient mystery school information and meditative practices as originally formulated by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Includes traditional material from the South American Kogi elders, as well as the sacred geometry and ascension meditation known as the Merkaba.
- Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync Technology:discovered by the noted American consciousness researcher Robert Monroe as taught at the world famous Monroe Institute in Virginia.
- Remote Viewing: the science of extending consciousness across the boundaries of space and time originally researched at SRI International by physicists Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ with noted psychic Ingo Swann.
- Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET): a unique method for relieving the effects of allergies on physical and emotional functioning discovered by Dr. Devi Nambudripad.
- Thought Field Therapy (TFT): a type of emotional acupressure discovered by Dr. Roger Callahan, an American clinical psychologist.
- Healing The Light Body: Shamanic Healing featuring the Illumination Process to transform energetic imbalance as taught by Dr. Alberto Villoldo of the Four Winds Society.

Professional Remote Viewing (PRV)
Instruction and personal monitoring is offered to beginning and experienced remote viewers interested in expanding their innate abilities to transcend time and space and learn to perceive beyond the usual temporal boundaries. Remote Viewing (RV) was originally developed by scientists and psychics in the 1970’s at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in conjunction with top secret U.S. government agencies to expand perception to where it became routine to acquire information about any person, place, or object at a distance, non local in both time and space.
This is a way to cultivate and develop your innate ability to function like a natural psychic with a high degree of accuracy through special training and protocols and apply this skill to many areas of interest. Offered by appointment and through periodic seminars.